Episode 3: Discord

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Pirena tells Gurna what she heard. She vows to become queen.

Hagorn tells Agne to prepare their army for the war, which he feels will happen soon. He says there is someone whom he has not seen in a long time. Agne wonders who it is.

Alena admits to Amihan that she does not want to be queen so she can marry and raise a family. She tells Amihan she will make a better queen than Alena. Amihan says no one knows will be queen, but she will always support her sister.

Alena goes to the waterfall to bathe. She meets Ybarro the rogue-warrior. She avoids him, but he vows he will have her one day. The other thugs laugh at him.

The contest begins. The sisters fight a swordsman in white. Alena fails and so does Danaya. Pirena and Amihan fight last that night. Amihan is driven back to a cliff and hangs there. Pirena pushes her off to get rid of her rival.

by South Rock

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