Episode 82

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Episode summary posted by Nythunter

Kabanata 82: Ang Pagdating sa Ascano

Recaps of last scenes from previous episode

At the flying ship. Lira continue to practice with her sword atop the ledge. Obviously tires, Lira, irritated, step down from the ledge and announce that enough is enough. She then look at the sorrounding and was excited when she see a thing out of the corner of her eye. She excitedly use a spyglass ang adjust it to see clearly. Looking through the spyglass, Lira saw Kahlil in another ship. She excitedly call Danaya and tell her that she just saw 'blondie'. Danaya approach her. Meanwhile, at the other ship, soldiers readies a cannon and point it towards Danaya and Lira. Kahlil order to open fire. A soldier light the cannon. Cannon ball flew toward Danaya and Lira's ship and struck true.


Lira watch the other ship as it gained upon them. Meanwhile on the other ship, Kahlil order his men to open fire. A thunderous clap was heard as a soldier let loose a cannon. The cannonball hit Danaya and Lira's ship rocking the ship dangerously. Lira look at the other ship wondering why Kahlil's angry with her when he's not mad at her bfore. Danaya hurry Lira and order to use her power to take them away from their pursuer. Another thunderous clap of cannon was heard echoing high above Encantadia.

In Adamya. Amihan, thinking of her daughter and sister, summon her gem and order it to guide Danaya and Lira in the perilous journey they have undertaken and grant them safe passage for Devas.

High above Encantadia. The chase continues with Danaya and Lira pinned down by the continous barrage of cannon shots from Kahlil's ship. Danaya, cowering, order Lira to use her power at once so that they can escape their pursuer. Lira stands behind the sail and let loose a powerful gust from her hand. Their ship start moving forward very fast leaving a seething Kahlil and his minions.

In Lireo. Hagorn asks Pirena how sure she is Kahlil can kill Lira. Pirena, changing the subject of the discussion, tell Hagorn to not talk about Kahlil instead tell her about his friend Asval. Pirena asks Hagorn who is Asval. Hagorn smiles and asks Pirena why the sudden interest with Asval. Pirena answer that she needs to know who her people. Pirena repeat her question and ask Hagorn who Asval is. Hagorn answered that Asval is a prince of Sapiro, the brother of Armeo's father. Pirena, puzzled, mumbles that Asval didn't grow old. Hagorn answered that he is a Sapiryan and Sapiryans are more like diwatas. Pirena asks Hagorn if Asval can teleport like them. Hagorn smiles and tell why don't she just ask Asval herself.

In the forest. Alena continue calling for Kahlil. Suddenly Banak and Nakba burst out from the foliages and meet Alena and Ybrahim. Alena greet them happily and asks if they knew where her sister Amihan is. Banak and Nakba grunted, answering yes. Alena happily asks them if they would lead her to them. Banak and Nakba lead the way while Ybrahim accompany Alena.

At Danaya and Lira's ship. Lira asks Danaya if the enemies are gone. Danaya answered that they are gone for she have lost them already. Lira then asks Danaya that if the enemies are gone then what is the thing she sees up in the sky flying towards them. Danaya look up and see a Hathorian glider closing up fast. Up in the glider, Apek and Wantuk scream as they approach the ship. Apek and Wantuk crashed into the ship and was deposited on its deck. Danaya, seeing the mysterious figures on deck, draw near and using her arnis deal a barrage of kick and blows at the figures, who are Apek and Wantuk. Apek and Wantuk cringe as blow after blow from Danaya landed at them. Apek and Wantuk scream at Danaya to stop. Danaya stop for a moment to see who is it that trespass their ship. Apek and Wantuk stand up, gently massaging their aching bodies, and identify themselves to Danaya and Lira. Danaya, recognizing them, frowned and asks Apek and Wantuk what are they, 'mandirigmas', doing there.

In Adamya. Amihan stroll outside her camp and silently walk around the camp. Suddenly sound of leaves being brushed upon hit Amihan and her guard. The queen guards unsheath their sword and point it toward the sound while Amihan challenge the person to step out. Suddenly Alena came forward and asks Amihan if she have forgotten about her. Amihan stares at her sister who stand in front of her alive and rushed to meet and hug her.

In Hathoria. Hagorn teleported inside and Asval meet and asks where he have been. Hagorn answered that he just came in from Lireo and tell Asval that it seems like Pirena taking an interest on him. Asval, hearing the good news, asks Hagorn if he could proceed then with his plan. Hagorn answered Asval and tell Asval that there is no need for him to hear about his plan for whatever it may be he is giving his permission and his full consent and won't interfere. Asval thank Hagorn and teleported away. Hagorn, murmuring, asks forgiveness from Pirena for he was about to do for 'blood'(nythunter: no more questions, your honor! hehehe) don't matter in war.

In Adamya. Alena receive a warm welcome. Aquil greet the newly returned sang'gre. Alena acknowledge Aquil and greet him in return. Amihan look at Alena and thank Bathala for she have returned safely. Amihan asks Alena where she have been all this time and tell her that she and Danaya have look for her everywhere but didn't find her. Alena answered that its a long story. Amihan asks Alena if she have seen Ybrahim. Ybrahim appears and tell Amihan that they meet already. Amihan acknowledge Ybrahim. Alena tell Amihan that she and Ybrahim just meet recently.

Back at Danaya and Lira's ship. Apek and Wantuk softly massage their aching body incurred from their 'landing' on the deck of the ship and the beating they received from an overzealous Danaya. Apek and Wantuk asks forgiveness from Danaya for intruding but they tell Danaya that they wanted to help out in protecting Lira for she's the daughter of Ybrahim and its their resposibility to protect her.

In Adamya. Alena gladly greet Imaw, while Imaw thank Bathala for returning Alena safe. Aquil call Alena and Ybrahim by their lofty station as sang'gre and prince but Ybrahim stop and tell him to just call him 'Ybarro'(nythunter: the name Ybrahim and Ybarro is wreaking havoc with my summaries. AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!). Alena, facing Amihan, asks her where Danaya is. Amihan answered that Danaya on a journey with her daughter to Devas. Ybrahim stare at Amihan and blurt out daughter, questioning. Amihan answered Ybrahim that she have seen their daughter, their real daughter. Ybrahim, confused, asks Amihan what will she do in Devas.

Meanwhile. Danaya land their ship and ushered Lira, Apek and Wantuk to a tavern. Lira ask Danaya why do they have to land. Lira also asks Danaya if they are near Devas. Danaya answered that they're still far from Devas and they are in a town of Sapiro called Ascano. Danaya tell Lira, Apek and Wantuk that they are there for they need rest and need to obtain food. Suddenly a pair of midgets approach them and Wantuk look at them curious. Wantuk then ask Lira how does a mortal greet somebody. Lira tell him that they say 'Hello!'. Wantuk look at the midgets and say 'Hello' to them. The midgets stares at Wantuk and deeming him a fool, walk away leaving the group. Wantuk stare at them and mumbles that he miss home and Banak and Nakba already.

In Lireo. Asval teleported inside Pirena's room and found her fast asleep. Asval draw near Pirena's bed and take Pirena hand and kiss it. Pirena wakes up in a sudden start and was surprised to see Asval kissing her hand. Pirena start to come to and would have start a fit but Asval stop her from being hysterical.

At the tavern. Danaya and company look on as a bar fight commence. Lira, Apek and Wantuk stares in disbelief as a man pound his opponent to a pulp. Lira, still shocked, asks Danaya what kind of encantados are these men. Danaya answered that these men are known as 'barbaro'. Wantuk tell Lira that these 'barbaros' are just like them 'mandirigmas' but a more uncouth lot. He tell her that barbaros not only thieves but cold blooded killer as well. Wantuk warned Lira not to stare at them for they are rumored to have the power to read anybody's mind. Lira, starting to get afraid, turn around and tell Danaya that they should return home. Danaya stop her. An enormous barbaro lumbers toward them and Wantuk meet him and try to frighten the barbaro by making faces and making unearthly sounds. The barbaro stares at Wantuk and, laughing, pat Wantuk in the head as if taking delight in his pet. The barbaro walk away and Wantuk, frightened out of his wits, tell Danaya that they really should go home. Danaya, in a stern voice, tell everyone to stop and stay and tell Lira that she would do her next test right there.

In Lireo. Asval stare at Pirena and tell her not to be alarmed for he meant her no harm. Pirena, standing from her bed, tell Asval that he seems to be bolder than before. Asval answered that love makes someone bold enough. Pirena angrily order him to get out of her room. Asval, draw near Pirena and cuddling her from behind, tell Pirena that her eyes says otherwise. Asval turn Pirena around to face him and lay her down the bed.

In Adamya. Amihan answer Ybrahim and tell him that Danaya and their daughter Lira have gone to Devas to meet with her queen mother, Mine-a, and ask for her help. Alena wish that they do get some help. Ybrahim, looking around, asks where Apek and Wantuk is. Aquil tell him that Apek and Wantuk seems to have disappeared. Ybrahim, hearing the news, condemn himself and tell everybody that its his fault. Amihan tell Ybrahim that its not the time to blame oneself instead its the time to plan their next move. Alena tell Amihan it have been a big help if they could find their son . Amihan turn to Alena surprise and ask what son. Alena answered Amihan and tell her that she already give birth to her and Ybrahim's son. Amihan look at Alena smiling(nythunter: hmmmm her smile looks kinda weird or maybe it really was genuine an i might be imagining things. hehehe).

Meanwhile. Kahlil and his men continue to search the sky for Danaya and Lira's ship. One of the soldier approach Kahlil and tell him that Danaya and Lira might have land to find water and food. Kahlil, baring his teeth, tell the soldier that he need to find Lira.

At the tavern. A barbaro approach stare at Danaya. Danaya return the barbaro's stare. Danaya then asks the barbaro that if barbaro do read mind then why don't he tell her what's on her mind. The barbaro answered that Danaya wanted food, water and men to serve the diwatas to fight for them. Wantuk, hearing the barbaro's answer, got jittery and urge Danaya that they should return home. Danaya spoke with the barbaro again and show a pouch and asks if he can read her mind again. The barbaro speak and answer that Danaya would give him the gold only if she get what she wanted first. Danaya congratulates the barbaro for being correct the whole time and ask him again if he can read what she's thinking again. The barbaro stare at her but Danaya put her arnis out and give the barbaro a stunning blow in the abdomen. The barbaro flew backward from the impact of Danaya's blow. Wantuk, seeing what just happened, bury his face in his hat and declare they're dead. From the corner, a gang of barbaros stood up and advance toward Danaya.

Lira stares at her ash'ti Danaya and mumbles that she really is a 'barumbada'. Lira tell everybody that they should be going. Apek and Wantuk raise from the bench to follow Lira but Danaya in stone cold voice order everyone to sit down. Lira, Apek and Wantuk sit dutifully back on the bench. Danaya tell them that they will not leave Ascano until they find food. A thundering voice speak from behind Danaya and tell her that food is scarce in Ascano which is why its controlled. The mysterious man rose and approach Danaya. A huge towering man draw near Danaya and her troop and tell them that he would only allow Danaya and her group to leave the tavern if somebody from the group would outdrink him.

In Adamya. Alena tell Amihan that with her power she hasten her son's growth. Amihan asks Alena how would she find him when he was separated from her when he was young. Alena answered that her son answer to the name of Kahlil. Amihan mumbles the name Kahlil, questioning. Alena answered yes to Amihan and tell her that he also have golden hair.

At the tavern. Danaya asks the mysterious man why should she believe he will let them go. A barbaro answered and tell Danaya that the man is named Wahid and he is considered as the lord of Ascano and he doesn't get drunk. Wantuk stand up and step in saying he would drink against Wahid. Wantuk boasted that he's considered as the best drinker at the camp and Wahid would be of no match against him. The barbaro laugh at Wantuk, delighted at Wantuk's own expense. Two mug of wine appears and Wahid takes one while Wantuk get the other one. Wahid and Wantuk drink at the same time. Suddenly Wantuk's face turned green and he drops to the table, face first. Cheering and applauding rose from the babaros rank.

In Adamya. Alena sees Amihan's face turn wistful and asks her what's the matter. Amihan tell Alena that not long ago Pirena's men attack the camp and among them was a man with golden hair. Alena, horrified, tell Amihan that it could not have been son. Ybrahim, disgusted by the suggestion, blurt out that no son of his is gonna join the enemy. Amihan calm them and tell them that the man answer to the name Kahlil just like he told her daughter Lira.

In Adamya. Ybrahim and Alena ponder the thought that their son have finally join the rank of the enemy. Amihan tell them that when she saw Kahlil she took a liking to him. She tell Ybrahim and Alena that the reason why she can't bear to hurt him cause he's the son of her sister Alena. Alena wonder how Pirena got Kahlil and Amihan tell her she doesn't know either. Amihan tell Alena that they can't defeat Pirena. Alena, worried for Kahlil's safety, asks Amihan what are they gonna do. Amihan, thinking for a moment and deciding, tell Alena that they will go against Pirena and with the help of her gem they might be able to defeat Pirena. Aquil, hearing Amihan's word, approach Amihan and tell her that he would go with them to Lireo. Amihan face Aquil and order him not to go with them to Lireo for she need him in Adamya to stand and defend the camp. Aquil nodded to obey the queen.

In Lireo. Pirena woke up and call out Asval's name. She look around the room but he is nowhere to be found. She look at the bed and was surprised to see a stalk of 'grain'(?). She pick up the stalk and stare at it smiling.

At the tavern. Wahid try to aggravate Danaya, teasing her cause Wantuk fall down already. Barbaros cheered their vaunted leader. Danaya call at Apek and order him to drink against Wahid. Apek vehemently refuse to drink against Wahid. Danaya then turn to Lira and order her to drink against Wahid. Lira refused as well telling Danaya that she doesn't know how to drink and if Amihan know about it she would be mad at her. Wahid laugh and tell his men that it seems like his opponent are pointing at each other looking for somebody to fight with him. Laughter erupts from the barbaros, taunting Danaya and her group. Danaya, unperturbed, tell Wahid not to celebrate for she will be the one to drink against him.

In Lireo. Pirena walk at the hallway calling at Gurna when Amihan, Alena and Ybrahim appears inside. Lireo soldier, surprised to see the trio gear up and attack them. The trio quickly dispatched their opponent. Amihan, Alena and Ybrahim then face Pirena and greet her. Pirena stare at them, shocked.

To be continued...

Here it is Encantadiks, the episode for August 24, 2005. ENJOY!

Hasne Lesnu Maste!

1 comment :

  1. uuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyy.........

    nakakilig si asval at pirena....
    grabe, sobra...........
    more of them please.........
